Tips For Reducing Your Energy Bill This Summer
Air conditioning units are essential to every home and business here in New Orleans, and for good reason. Everyone knows the heat during summer can be brutal. The summer heat can also be pretty brutal on the checkbook. As thermostats are being lowered, air conditioning units are working harder, just blowing the dollars away. But don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to stay cool and reduce your energy bill this summer.
Raise the temperature on your thermostat
Each degree you dial below 78 increases your energy consumption by about 8 percent. Let’s say, your monthly energy bill is about $100, you could save $8 a month by keeping your thermostat at 78 or above.
Make sure the thermostat is on the correct wall
If you mount your thermostat on a wall next to a hot window or a lamp that is constantly on, the thermostat will sense that heat and kick on more than it needs to, causing that energy bill to rise.
Keep your air conditioning unit in the shade
Shaded areas are normally much cooler. The cooler air means your unit will have a much easier time running efficiently, thus helping to reduce your energy bill.
Check your air filters regularly
Check your air filters monthly and change as needed. The dirtier the filter, the harder your air conditioning unit has to work to produce the same cold air it would with a clean filter.
Turn on the fan
Thermostats aren’t the only thing keeping you cool this summer. According to the National Resource Defense Council (NRDC), utilizing a ceiling fan can make a room feel 10 degrees cooler. Plus, fans only use 10 percent of the energy of a central air conditioner.
Call an air conditioning maintenance professional – like River City!
We offer tons of tune-up and cleaning specials to keep you cool throughout the summer. Regular maintenance to your air conditioning unit is vital to keeping that energy bill low.
For all of your air conditioning maintenance, service, and repairs in the greater New Orleans area, contact River City’s Total Maintenance. We have the coolest reputation in town!